First Thoughts on AltronFx Ltd.

AltronFx is a brand-new company online, having just opened their doors to public investment a day or two ago.  According to documents available via their website, the company became incorporated last month, in England, with a Mr. Bernard Watkins serving as its sole director and shareholder.

The website claims that “Altronfx Limited is mainly involved in mining & trading of the most popular & lucrative cryptocurrencies in the digital world today along with forex trading.”  So, the implication is that the company has staff with expertise in both the financial investment arena that do the trading as well as technical staff — computer geeks — with expertise in the hardware aspects of cryptocurrency mining.  Whereas trading of digital and fiat currencies involves little or no start-up costs, the acquisition of mining hardware can be quite expensive.  I suspect that, initially, company operations will be centered around trading.  But, this is only my educated guess.  No indication is given as to where their mining operations are or will be located.

AltronFx offers two investment plans.  Both of them pay interest on an hourly basis and return your deposit as part of your earnings.  I suspect that will be an appealing feature to many investors as returns are as quick as possible.  One of the plans runs for around 30 days while the other runs for 17.5 days.  A quick look at the interest rates that are paid suggests to me that they might be a good compromise between profitability for the investor and long-term survivability of the company.  However, this is only a first impression.  Since the investment plans pay interest on an hourly basis, it will take a much closer look in order to fully understand how the plans work.

And, this is what we’ll do in our review of the program which should be available in the next few days.


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