Starts “Features Requests” Page.

A number of HYIPs start a website and that’s all they do.  We hear nothing more from them until the program finally closes.  Many more programs have a blog or news page where they provide information about changes they have made in their program.  However, only a few programs request feedback from investors on ways in which their program can be improved.  Well, Doubly (reviewed here) is one of these special programs.  They announced on their Facebook page that they are requesting such information and provide a link to a page where these requests can be made.  If you follow this link, you will see that many insightful requests have already been made.  Let’s see how many of them Doubly will be able to put into action…

Here’s the Doubly Facebook post:

Your Opinion Matters!

Your opinion matters the most to us! We are improving our system daily to match your needs and make you even more satisfied. Therefore, we have started a program where you can send us a feedback on which we should work more and what new updates shall be published!

Make your first feedback here:

You can also see the feedback feature in the quick links and in the live chat section. We would be very happy if you could help us, so we can make Doubly even better than it already is!

Your Doubly Team


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