Keep Your Standards HIGH!

During the summer, it’s normal for the number of HYIPs listed on HYIP monitors to decrease.  However, this summer, the HYIP business seems even slower than usual.  We at EmilyNews feel that there are four leaders in the business of monitoring HYIPs.  We’re prejudiced, of course, and feel that we are one of the four.  Right now, we have nine programs listed on our monitor.  Two others in this group of four have five programs listed.  Only one in the group has more than EmilyNews, with 11 programs listed.  EmilyNews might be the youngest monitor in the group and we feel honored that HYIPs are beginning to choose us as their preferred place to list their program.

But, how should the investor handle this lack of programs in which to invest?  Are there are specific strategies that make special sense in situations like this?  We have only one piece of advice to offer: KEEP YOUR STANDARDS HIGH!  We each have our own standards that we require an HYIP to fulfill before we will invest with it.  Some of us might place a great deal of importance on a company’s legend — the story it tells about how it generates the funds it uses to pay interest earnings to its investors.  Some might not want to invest with a company unless it is possible to break even in a month of less.  Still others might steer clear of companies that offer interest returns that appears to be obviously unsustainable.  Of course, a lot of this is based on a person’s investment “personality.”  Some of us are gamblers while some of us don’t want any part of a program unless it looks like a “sure thing.”  But, how does this relate to the summer slump in HYIP world?   It’s simple.  Whatever, your standards might be for choosing an HYIP, DON’T RELAX THEM if there aren’t many programs to close from.  Don’t fall into the trap of telling yourself that you simply MUST invest in another program in order to diversify your investment portfolio.  Making a bad choice is NOT diversification.  It’s foolishness.  What is the answer?  Simply be patient.  In a month of two, instead of there only being five or ten programs listed on the top four HYIP monitors, there might be twenty listed on each of them.  That’s the time when you should take a careful look at each program and decide which, if any, are the types of programs you would like to invest some of your hard-earned money with.

Also, take a serious look at reviews of new programs.  Very often the reviewer might have insights that you might not have thought of.  We, at EmilyNews, take a very serious attitude toward the reviews we publish.  We try extremely hard to present honest information that is fair to the program but that will also point out to the investor both the good and the bad features of a program.  A unique feature of the EmilyNews Blog is our HYIP Insights series of articles.  The information in most of these articles is “timeless” meaning that it is just as relevant now as the day the article was first published.  It might be worth your while to come back to these articles from time to time.  The really do offer some useful “Insights.”

I hope this information is helpful.


If one of the paying programs on our Monitor appeals to you, please support EmilyNews by registering for it on our website. Thanks very very much!


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