Use Good English!

In our recent News Commentary #293 about Octoin, I criticized their use of the English language in a number of their recent updates.  I am a native English speaker and it was sometimes hard for me to understand exactly what Octoin was saying in these updates.  Of course, I got the general idea.  But, some of the details weren’t quite clear.  There is really no excuse for this and it would be a small expense for Octoin to hire a translator to insure that ALL copy they publish in the English language is PERFECT.  Nothing else should be acceptable.

Almost a year ago, in HYIP Insights #2, we published an article about this issue.  Perhaps it’s time to bring it to your attention again.  This article was for the benefit of BOTH admins and investors.  I hope that someone from Octoin reads it!

Here it is again…

HYIP Insights #2 — Language!

This article is for both Investors and HYIP Admins.  I hope that everyone takes it to heart…

English in my native language.  So, I can do a reasonably good job at communicating with it in writing.  If French is your native language, writing it will, likewise, be easy for you.  If you’re Japanese, it will be no problem for you to write using the characters of your language.  This is true of anyone when it comes to writing their own mother tongue.  Of course, there are uneducated — or even mentally handicapped —people in all countries who, unfortunately, have trouble writing their own language.

Well, this is background…

Most HYIP websites are written in English.  Sometimes the English is so bad that I get the impression a school child wrote it — or that the writer was a little bit dumb.  Of course, I really know that this is not the case.  It’s simply the work of someone who is not a native English speaker…

But, Investors, isn’t this a “red flag?”  Here you are, perusing a website supposedly representing a highly successful company that promises to share their success with you.  You should be wondering why, if they are so successful, they don’t hire a translator to put their script into a more polished version of the language they are trying to communicate in.  Translators are pretty cheap.  Maybe the reason is that they aren’t really as successful as they claim to be.  Maybe you should steer clear of that type of website…

You may not agree with me, but that’s the way my thinking goes when I encounter a website with script that is sometimes so mixed up it is hard to understand what the writer is talking about.  By far, the worst situation is when such a writer writes a LOT!  You would think that he/she would know better.  If you can’t speak the language you are communicating in and can’t afford to hire a translator, at least be smart enough to know when to be quiet!

So, for Investors, you might want to be extra careful when encountering a website where the written language is deficient.  For Admins, if I were in your shoes, I would never ever publish a website where the script is less than perfect.  What you write paints a picture of you.  Do you want the Investors you are trying to attract to think of you as an uneducated dummy?  Do you want them to think that you don’t have enough funds to hire a decent translator?

The written language tells more that what the actual words say.  Investors, look for these hidden messages.  Admins, make sure that you are sending the type of messages you want your customers to receive.   


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